“If our aim is to wake up for the benefit of ourselves and other living beings, then it’s necessary for us to change. . . . challenging times give us the greatest opportunity for change. Every time we catch ourselves going down the rut of a habitual reaction, we have a chance to interrupt the momentum and discover a whole new direction and depth to our life. ”
Virtual meditation opportunities
Most of us don’t have a life where we can do large swathes of contemplative work - most of us are in the busyness of life, holding down jobs, paying bills, raising children. So busy! But when we do stop and pause, most of us strive for a calm and steady mind, heart and body. This can be hard amidst it all. Through regular practices we have the opportunity to be in touch with a moment to moment awareness, a kind of right here right nowness, a slowing down even in the swirl of a fast paced world.
Meditation offers us a practice where we can be intimate, kind and steady with ourselves. Developing and strengthening meditation practice during times of uncertainty offers us a place to land, can offer us a shelter within ourselves to experience all that is happening on the inside and outside. To offer presence to and for ourselves. To make room for just how it is. This way of pausing offers the opportunity to live into the questions we have of our lives. We may not have direct answers but listening to these questions may make room to find out what really is most important. We do this alone and we can do this together.
In our time together each month I will offer 40 minutes of guided meditation as well as some periods of silence and during the last 20 minutes there will be opportunity for discussion and questions.
Upcoming dates (5:30-6:30 p.m. Eastern Time)
On hold for the summer!
Suggested fee $10-40, (no one turned away). You can send payment via Venmo.
Want to participate and receive a zoom link or have questions? Just ask.